European Union Association of EMC Notified Bodies, hereinafter EUANB, is the European Association of Notified Bodies notified under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.

The purpose of EUANB, among others, is to support Notified Bodies to comply with the requirements set forth in the directive:

  • Article 34 Information obligation on notified bodies.
  • Article 35 Exchange of experience.
  • Article 36 Coordination of notified bodies.

In order to comply with these requirements, EUABN members have access to different tools and information exchange fora. In addition, the association organize some meetings to discuss trending topics, get update about regulation, standardization, and other interesting matters for the Notified Bodies activity.

The EUANB provide a framework for co-operation between its members in the application of standards and procedures for apparatus conformity assessment. In particular it shall contribute to the effective implementation of relevant legislation in co-operation with appropriate responsible body and shall facilitate the convergence of conformity assessment practices in the regulatory sphere.


To become a member the only requirement is to be listed at NANDO website as Notified Body under EMC directive 2014/30/UE. There is no fee to take part of the association.

There is no procedure for applying for membership, however access to the EUANB  tools will be granted by the Technical Secretariat on request.


EUANB used several tools to share information and coordinate their members:

  • CIRCABC IG: EUANB provides Internet-based support to the exchange of information within the coordination group of EMC Notified Bodies under Directive 2014/30/EU.
  • EUANB RRWS DATABASE: Information upload by EMCD Notified Bodies regarding refused, restricted, suspended or withdrawn Certificates.
  • EUANB MAILING SERVER: The mail server (operated by BNetzA) is a resource where members exchange information, can ask questions etc.

Feel free to request access to these tools at CIRCABC.